Un camión ha atropellado a una multitud en la ciudad de Niza, en el sur de Francia, una vez concluidos los fuegos artificiales del festejo del feriado nacional francés. La prefectura ha calificado el hecho como un atentado. El gobernador de la región Provenza, Alpes Costa Azul, Christian Estrosi, asegura que "hay decenas de muertos" y la Fiscalía de Niza habla de 60 muertos y al menos 100 heridos. Según las autoridades, el conductor del camión habría sido abatido.Por otra parte, un incendio se está produciendo en la Torre Eiffel, aunque las autoridades han dicho que no tiene ninguna relación con el ataque de Niza y que se ha producido por un pequeño accidente con los fuegos artificiales de la fiesta Nacional.
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jueves, 14 de julio de 2016
martes, 28 de junio de 2016
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domingo, 26 de junio de 2016
7 Secrets to be a billionaire in less than 1 year
1. decidete be billionaire
The first thing to do is decide that you want to be a billionaire done yourself.
Many billionaires started with nothing - no money, only with a few ideas and a lot of hard work - and created businesses and companies that could not be destroyed or in an entire lifetime.
Many billionaires started with nothing - no money, only with a few ideas and a lot of hard work - and created businesses and companies that could not be destroyed or in an entire lifetime.
Do the same, decide what you want to be (want to stay poor all your life or have a great wealth?) Yescribe every day this statement: "I am worth more than $ 100,000,000!".
2. Get rid of your poor mentality
There is no shortage of money on planet Earth, only a shortage of people who think properly about it. To become a millionaire from zero (and then be billionaire), you must kill your poor mentality.
Many parents do everything possible to get two, three, or four children on with the low wages they earn, give them the best education and have better luck in life than them.
These are typical parents who inculcate (with the best of intentions) a sense of fear and scarcity in their children.
"Eat all the food; There are other people who are starving, "they say. "Do not waste anything." "Money does not grow on trees".
But the real abundance and richness are not created with such thoughts.
These are typical parents who inculcate (with the best of intentions) a sense of fear and scarcity in their children.
"Eat all the food; There are other people who are starving, "they say. "Do not waste anything." "Money does not grow on trees".
But the real abundance and richness are not created with such thoughts.
3. Treat it as a duty
The self-made billionaires are motivated not only by money, but by a need for the market in which they move validate their contributions.
Although they have always wanted to accumulate wealth, it drives them much more their need to constantly contribute their potential.
Billionaires do not lower their expectations when it gets ugly.
Although they have always wanted to accumulate wealth, it drives them much more their need to constantly contribute their potential.
Billionaires do not lower their expectations when it gets ugly.
Instead, with each obstacle encountered, they increase their hope because they see the difference they can do with their families, their companies, their community and charitable organizations in which they participate.
Being billionaire take it as a duty, not as a pure pleasure.
Being billionaire take it as a duty, not as a pure pleasure.
4. You surround yourself with other billionaires same
I do not know if you've ever studied what the habits of people with lots of money are. Have you read the stories of men and women richest in the world and have seen what they've been through?
If you have not, I encourage you to start doing so because those people can serve as mentors and teachers who inspire you.
If you have not, I encourage you to start doing so because those people can serve as mentors and teachers who inspire you.
Who says "the money will not make you happy"? People without money.
Who says "all rich people are greedy"? People who are not rich.
People with wealth does not speak well. You need to know what people are doing to generate profit and follow their examples.
What read millionaires? How to invest? What drives them? How do you keep motivated and excited?
5. It works like a billionaire
Rich people treated differently while. They buy, while poor people sell it.
The rich know that time is more valuable than money itself. So they hire people to do things they are not good or that are not productive for its time, as a cleaning service for their homes.
But do not fool yourself thinking that those who achieve great wealth do not work hard.
The rich know that time is more valuable than money itself. So they hire people to do things they are not good or that are not productive for its time, as a cleaning service for their homes.
But do not fool yourself thinking that those who achieve great wealth do not work hard.
The economically successful people are consumed by their pursuit of success and work to the point where they feel they are gaining something and are not just working.
6. Change your investment expenses
The rich do not spend their money: they invest.
They know that the tax laws of governments favor investments rather than expenses. You buy a house, and you can not deduct your expenses.
They know that the tax laws of governments favor investments rather than expenses. You buy a house, and you can not deduct your expenses.
The billionaire, however, buy an apartment building that produces a flow of money, securities and offering tax breaks every year.
You buy cars for comfort and style. The rich buy cars for their companies that are deductible because they are used to produce benefits automobiles.
You buy cars for comfort and style. The rich buy cars for their companies that are deductible because they are used to produce benefits automobiles.
7. Create multiple sources of income
Those who really are millionaires never rely on a single source of income, but create a number of different revenue streams.
If you want to be a billionaire, start your own business until you generate revenues of 7 digits each year, and then invests that money earned in other business in which you trust.
Once you have these two flows of money, invest in a third business and even in a room.
Thus, if one of these economic sources of income fails you, you still have others that maintain your lifestyle.
If you want to be a billionaire, start your own business until you generate revenues of 7 digits each year, and then invests that money earned in other business in which you trust.
Once you have these two flows of money, invest in a third business and even in a room.
Thus, if one of these economic sources of income fails you, you still have others that maintain your lifestyle.
Finally, I'll tell you an extra secret that may surprise you: rich people want you too have wealth.
For them it is a mystery that others do not get rich. They know they are special and that wealth is available to anyone who wants to focus and persist in getting it.
The rich want others are high for two reasons:
For them it is a mystery that others do not get rich. They know they are special and that wealth is available to anyone who wants to focus and persist in getting it.
The rich want others are high for two reasons:
- So that you can also buy your products and services (which now may have a somewhat high price for you if you do not have much money).
- Because they want to get out and interact with other people with money like them.
Perhaps you did not know before how to be a billionaire, but after reading these 7 secrets of the richest people on the planet, you have no excuse.
So what are you going to do now: you'll still be poor sitting there day after day, or you will put into practice everything you learned today?
Answer me to that simple question
leaving your comment below!
So what are you going to do now: you'll still be poor sitting there day after day, or you will put into practice everything you learned today?
Answer me to that simple question
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sábado, 25 de junio de 2016
Descargar Capitán América 3 Civil War HD 1080p Sub Latino – “Captain America: Civil War” continúa la historia de “Avengers: Age of Ultron”, con Steve Rogers liderando un nuevo equipo de Vengadores en su esfuerzo por proteger a la humanidad. Tras otro incidente internacional relacionado con los Vengadores que ocasiona daños colaterales, la presión política fuerza a crear un sistema de registro y un cuerpo gubernamental para determinar cuándo se requiere los servicios del equipo. El nuevo status quo divide a los Vengadores mientras intentan salvar al mundo de un nuevo y perverso villano.”
Títulos: Capitán América 3 Civil War |
Tamaño del Archivo: 4.11 GB
Calidad: HD-TC 1080p (Muy Buena)
Audio: Inglés Sub
Subtítulos: Si (Español)
Tamaño del Archivo: 4.11 GB
Calidad: HD-TC 1080p (Muy Buena)
Audio: Inglés Sub
Subtítulos: Si (Español)
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Descargar Warcraft El Origen HD 1080p Sub Latino – Adaptación cinematográfica del exitoso videojuego, que ha generado todo un fenómeno sociológico a nivel mundial con su modo online. La historia gira en torno a un mundo de fantasía en el que se libran todo tipo de batallas y habitan muchas especies distintas (como humanos, orcos, enanos…). Bajo una máscara de jugabilidad basada en el rol, el juego llega a la gran pantalla para contar una historia de épicas proporciones en este irreal y fantástico mundo. Una batalla se está forjando entre las entrañas de los bosques, y alcanzará a todo habitante, enfrentándolos en una guerra sin precedentes en esta película que no deja indiferente a los fieles seguidores y a los novatos. Hechizos, magia y muchas armas son los complementos para una de las versiones cinematográficas de videojuego más esperadas de todos los tiempos.
Títulos: Warcraft El Origen | Warcraft
Tamaño del Archivo: 2.99 GBCalidad: HD-TC 1080p (Muy Buena)
Audio: Ingles 5.1 Sub
Subtítulos: Si (Español)
Actualmente solo esta en Audio Ingles 5.1 Subtitulada al Español en HD-TC 1080p (aún no es la mejor calidad, pero no es de cine, se ve muy bien), (tiene a parte subtitulos chinos), cuando salga una mejor versión o en Español Latino, la subiremos inmediatamente, (no sabemos la fecha exacta, hay que esperar). Saludos.
Para poner los subtítulos, descargalos y arrastra los archivos descargados hacia el reproductor de video (VLC Media Player, recomendado) donde se esta reproduciendo la película.
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Descargar X-Men Apocalipsis HD 1080p Sub Latino – Desde los albores de la civilización, fue adorado como un dios. Apocalypse, el primer y más poderoso mutante del universo X-Men de Marvel, acumuló los poderes de muchos otros mutantes, convirtiéndose en inmortal e invencible. Pero al despertar tras miles de años, se encuentra desilusionado con el mundo en que se encuentra y decide reclutar un equipo de mutantes poderosos, entre ellos a un descorazonado Magneto (Michael Fassbender), con el fin de limpiar la humanidad y crear una nueva orden mundial, sobre la cual él reinará. A medida que el destino de la tierra está en juego, Raven (Jennifer Lawrence) con la ayuda del Profesor X (James McAvoy) se unirán junto a un equipo de jóvenes X-Men para detener a su mayor enemigo y salvar así a la humanidad de la destrucción total.
Tamaño del Archivo: 3.41 GB
Calidad: Full HD-TC 1080p (Muy Buena)
Audio: Ingles 5.1 Sub
Subtítulos: Si (Español Latino)
Nota: Contiene subtítulos chinos pegados!
Tamaño del Archivo: 3.41 GB
Calidad: Full HD-TC 1080p (Muy Buena)
Audio: Ingles 5.1 Sub
Subtítulos: Si (Español Latino)
Nota: Contiene subtítulos chinos pegados!
Títulos: X-Men Apocalipsis | X-Men Apocalypse
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Deadpool HD 1080p Latino – Deadpool es un mercenario que se unió al proyecto Arma X para curar el cáncer de pulmón que lo estaba consumiendo. El proyecto logró darle un factor curativo artificial que salvó su vida pero lo dejó horriblemente desfigurado. Fue así que Deadpool decidió vestir un uniforme que cubriese todo su cuerpo y comenzar a vender sus servicios al mejor postor, logrando sobrevivir a cada misión con una mezcla de locura, ironía y explosiones.
Tamaño del Archivo: 1.66 GBCalidad: Full HD 1080p (Bluray Rip) Excelente
Audio: Español Latino e Inglés Sub (Dual)
Subtítulos: Si (Español)
Títulos: DEADPOOL.
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